Post by Eric Brantner
Copywriting. It’s the backbone of your website. If you don’t use the right words, you’ll never convert your visitors into paying customers. So, stop focusing on those keywords for a minute, and start focusing on using these 10 results-driven copywriting words.
1. You–This is the most important word in your website copywriting. Unfortunately, few websites use it. Instead of saying “we we we” over and over, use “you.” Why? Because consumers are selfish. They only care about how your product will benefit them. They don’t want to read website copy that is just your company stroking its own ego the whole time. Remember, copywriting is a conversation. So, talk with your reader rather than at them.
2. Free–George Carlin once had a bit where he talked about how you can get people to do anything if you give them some gadget, like a toaster, for free. The word “free” is intoxicating. People love feeling like they’re getting something for nothing. More importantly, people online are wary of losing something to a scam. If you offer something for free, you put them at ease and build some trust with them. Whether it’s a free consultation or a free e-book, consider having a free offer on your website. Just don’t overdo it, or you’ll come off looking spammy.
3. Guaranteed–Again, online shoppers are more cautious than traditional shoppers. And for good reason. Let’s face it, there are lots of scams floating around the internet. Using trust-building words like guaranteed can help potential customers feel as if they have nothing to lose. It’s comforting for them to know there is always an out should the product not live up to their standards.
4. Easy–Staples has built an entire brand based solely on the word “easy.” People love easy.
5. New–New has always been an effective buzzword. This is even more true in today’s technology-driven world. Customers are demanding the latest and greatest products. They want to be on the cutting edge.
6. Proven–Of course, new means nothing if it isn’t proven. So, if your unique selling point is that your product uses cutting-edge, new technology, you better make sure you let your visitors know it’s proven to work also. Some people are afraid of new, and it’s your job to prove how it will benefit them. Statistics help.
7. Results–This goes hand-in-hand with proven. Your potential customers want to know what results they can expect with your product. Don’t hide behind vague industry terms and meaningless jargon. Get straight to the point. Tell them exactly the results and benefits your product or services will deliver to them.
8. Save–Save is another buzzword that’s been thrown around forever. It can be even more effective today with the condition of the economy. But the word “save” doesn’t always have to be about price. Your product could “save” time for the consumer. It could “save” them from trouble. It’s not always about saving money, especially if you’re marketing yourself as a top-shelf brand.
9. Maximize–I like the word “maximize” because it creates the perception that your product achieves the maximum benefits possible. However, make sure you aren’t too vague when you use this word. Back it up with facts that show how your reader will “maximize” the benefit.
10. Benefit–Copywriting 101: tell your readers how they will benefit from using your product. What better way to accomplish that than by using the word “benefit?”
How many of these words do you use in your website copy? Would you add any to this list?
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